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Stay busy during isolation... Or don't!

All over social media, people are sharing what they're doing during self-isolation. It's fun to see people starting new hobbies, being productive, and expanding their creativity. However, it can make it seem like if you're not spending every second of this isolation bettering yourself or being amazing, you're doing something wrong.

That is not the case! No one should feel guilty if this is actually a really difficult time and they're not doing well. There's no shame in not picking up twelve new hobbies over the next few months.

I will be sharing some of the things I've been doing over quarantine, and I will not leave out the lazy activities. I am trying my best to stay positive and productive, but I've also been down. I miss my friends, I miss my school, and I miss being able to travel even short distances.

Do what you can, create when you feel inspired, and rest when you need it. Feel your feels and don't be intimidated if someone else seems to be having an easier or better time than you.


Self-Isolation Activities:


I bought myself a sketch book this year with the intention of making myself draw more. I've always wanted to be able to draw well, so I figured quarantine is the best time to practice

I try to draw at least one picture a day. I don't like most of the sketches, but I'm proud of myself for trying and practicing. Here's the only one I don't dislike at the moment. Notice that it's still far from perfect!

If you're trying something new and it's not going that well, I encourage you not to give up. The list of benefits of trying new things does not end with being good at it. You're trying, you're learning, you're growing. You don't have to be the greatest.


Since I'm spending more time at home than I have since I was a kid, I decided to retry some of the activities I used to love. I hadn't read a book just for fun since high school, but this week I finally finished Eragon by Christopher Paolini.

Another childhood favorite was riding our Honda three-wheeler around our property. On one of the few days it hasn't rained here, my dad I made a few rounds just for fun.

Gilmore Girls will forever be one of my favorite shows. My go to lazy day activity over this time of isolation has been re-watching all seven seasons.

Whether you need some excitement or time to rest during this strange time in the world, revisiting past favorites can be a great way to fill your time.


Everything happened so fast that I didn't feel like I got to say a proper goodbye to my friends. It took me a while to reach out because I was still in denial. Once I felt better, though, it was great to have the technology to talk to my friends in various ways as we're apart. It's also nice to have more free time that I can use to call family members.

If you're in the same boat, just take your time. Most of the world is feeling lonely or missing their loved ones right now, so when you're ready, don't be afraid to start new conversations! It's so reassuring to hear encouragement/sympathy from others during this time.


I love the local coffee shop by my school and I would be devastated if it closed. As a small business, it's really suffering since people are staying in more and more. My mom and I decided it was worth the drive to use their take-out service this week.

Supporting your favorite local businesses is a great way to give back to the community right now. If there are online options, I would encourage you to buy that way. If there is a coffee shop or restaurant still serving take-out, make a call and stop by if you feel safe and don't forget to practice social distancing.


I have not even come close to accomplishing everything I wanted to during this extended time at home. I also have not tried as many new things as I wanted to. I haven't been able to get myself out of bed until late in the morning. If you haven't either, don't feel bad. There's plenty of time as we wait for this virus to pass and there will be plenty of time once the world goes back to normal, as well. Just do your best, stay safe, and take your time.


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