Plans change. Everything changes. Sometimes, that’s good! Other times, a global pandemic hits and seems to ruin everything.
When I first left college because of Covid, I was completely devastated. My heart hurt and I felt lost. For a long time, I hardly got out of bed and I was struggling to see anything positive coming from lock down.
Now, five months later, I have a new perspective. Plans were definitely ruined, and nothing turned out how I thought. And yet, I have so much to be thankful for.
Because of lock down, I got a chance to reconnect with my parents. Since high school, I’ve either been living on campus, living in a different country, or working a full time job. This strange time in the world gave me a chance to spend quality time with them again. We redid our backyard, drank lots of coffee, tried new recipes, and laughed at the Orioles pecking at our window. We even got a new puppy! It was amazing to have something that we all looked forward to everyday and that kept us laughing.
Lock down has also given me time to work on myself and reflect on my life without a busy world distracting me. I started to analyze my behaviors/decisions and set up accountability partners, support systems, and personal goals. Through all of these steps, I feel like I know myself better. I know my limits and which ones I can push. I know my weaknesses and I know my strengths.
Maybe you can relate to these positive effects of Covid or maybe this time has been a complete disaster the whole way through. If it’s the latter, I’m praying for you. The only thing I can say is, life is going to change again. When it does, look for the positive and just keep on trying. You never know what could happen.