When I think of the wisest people in the world, my mom and grandmothers are my first thoughts. I'm so thankful to have such incredible women in my life to love and lead me. They've taught me so much, and I want to share a small piece of that.
After I wrote out the outline for this post, I realized there were way too many nuggets of truth to write out all of them, so I had to narrow it down. Each of my three grandmothers (Grandma Z, Mommom, and Granny Lois) and my mom have given me so much, and I hope you all can find sound advice through this, too.
1. Always be prepared
You will never catch my mom without snacks in her purse. You never know when you'll need a pick-me-up! Seriously, all four of them carry "Marry Poppins" bags as I call them, meaning you'd be amazed to see everything they can fit in such small purses. I'm talking medicine, food, hand sanitizer, pens/pencils, gum, lip balm, comb, wallet, coupons, flashlight, bandages, extra socks, glasses wipes, nail kit, and the list goes on.They're the ladies you depend on when you go on a trip and realize you forgot everything you didn't know you needed.
Not only have they taught me preparedness with objects and tools, but also in mind and heart. All four encourage me to pray, rest, and take care of my emotions so I can face change and adversity with confidence and peace. They've shown me that if you have a relationship with Christ, you're as prepared for life as you can ever be. That doesn't mean that life won't be hard or scary, just that it doesn't have to overwhelm or destroy me.
2. Be a good friend
All my grandmas and my mom model what true friendship is every single day. Grandma Z has her cards and letters. (No one remembers birthdays and anniversaries like Grandma Z) Mommom has her incredible gift of hospitality. Granny Lois has her scheduled daily phone calls to friends and family. Mom has her monthly breakfast dates for catching up.
More then any of these specific practices, though, all four of them have shown me that the key to long-lasting and intentional friendship is consistency, loyalty, and dedication. When your friend is in trouble, you're there. When they're celebrating life's victories, you're there. When you just need someone to talk to, you're there. You have to show up, give your ear, love fiercely, and then do it all again.
3. Walk away from bad friendships/relationships
I'm completely blessed that all these women listen to me and care enough to give friendship and relationship advice. I can tell them anything, and I do.
I've put up with some pretty rude "friends" in the past and I've had my heart broken a few times. There are no better people to go to for comfort and advice in such matters than my grandmas and mom.
Loyalty and consistency, as I said above, are important. But if your friend is not reciprocating, or worse, purposely treating you badly, it is okay to walk away. Try talking to them to work it out, but sometimes that's not enough. There's nothing to feel guilty about for guarding your own heart. You don't have to be mean or make a scene, just walk away and pray. It's taken me a while to really apply this lesson, but I'm so thankful these women have continued protecting my heart when I couldn't do it myself.
4. Serving others is a selfless act of love with great rewards
Service is an act of devotion to God and an act of love to those around you.
I was going to write out what each grandma and my mom does to serve their communities, but I think it would take up two whole pages. From teaching to nursing to simply offering their help to anyone that needs it, each one has been serving others their whole lives.
I've had the incredible honor of seeing many of their acts of service in person, but many have not. They don't always get the credit they deserve, but never once have I heard them complain about it.
They have taught me that serving simply means using whatever gifts you've been given to lift up someone else. Sometimes, you might not even feel like you're capable for the task in front of you, but the fact that you're there, you're willing, and you're relying on God is enough.
Serving might not always be fun, but they've proven it creates a fulfilling life and can lead to incredible opportunities and personal growth.
5. Family is not defined by blood
We call Granny Lois our "adopted grandma" because we're not technically related. However, she IS our family. Similarly, everywhere these women go, they seem to pick up new members of their "family." When you love so deeply, it's not hard to find people that want in on it.
We are all children of God, which means we're all worthy of kindness, love, and mercy. This is probably the most important thing these women have taught me- that family is not defined by blood, and forgiveness/acceptance is not given based on what people deserve. They each live this out every day of their lives.
I hope that I can let these lessons (and many others they've taught me) truly sink in and become a part of who I am.
Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mothers in the world!